Training Services
To provide renewable training programs, with high quality, and originality values, functioning within a comprehensive system, an efficient work team, effective social responsibility, and sustainable development in the educational field.
To Develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees to keep pace with scientific and technological development, and to improve processes of teaching and learning and to save time, money and effort. To qualify educational highly efficient cadres compatible with educational field requirements.
E-Training (Distance Training & Virtual Training)
Our Goals
To provide best appropriate environment for the integration of information and communication technology and to employ it in the training process through the use of electronic training systems and to link them to the life of the trainer and the trainee. To create an e-learning environment that motivates the incumbents of educational positions to join the training programs.

Our Services
To prepare an e-training plan targeting the incumbents of educational posts and to supervise its implementation. To prepare digital publications that shall contain instructions for successfully logging to the virtual rooms, along with providing technical support required

Let's raise a cup of tea to your next big idea and your next transformative connection
Our Competitive Value
Accurate understanding for the operation nature of the technical and logisti cal platforms, in particular the possibilities and methods of applying them in governmental environments, including the integration of services, whether with internal systems or external parties. Previous experience in developing, installing, implementing, managing and operating electronic services and platform applications, managing and developing all work paths and electronic service engines. Availability of expertise, technical personnel and advice to the company specialized in managing and operating platforms, services and applications. Deep experience in developing systems using standardized and internationally agreed methods such as CMMI